My Story
Do you remember the "Christmas Story" with the double-dog-dare?
Here's how I was dared to change and see how that turned out...
Hi! My name is Chris and thank you for checking into my most recent online marketing adventure/experiment! I’ve heard numerous times in my business life that my vision, perspectives, insight is ahead of its time. Well, I can tell you emphatically, I am not on the cutting edge of this challenge. Actually, I’m probably a bit behind the curve on it… but I plan to make up forthat rapidly!
What is this challenge of mine?
To really understand my context for this, I probably should share a little about me and my background. I’m not a guru, nor am I interested in trying to become one. Over the last 30 years, through a lot of hard work, I’ve been successful in multiple aspects of my career. I’ll share more about my professional journey below. Here’s where the challenge comes in. As I mentioned, I work a lot. Recently, I was “challenged” to use my professional experiences to streamline my work hours while maintaining my income stream. Jokingly, it was referred to as running an experiment that would create a “semi-retirement” for myself. I was immediately intrigued (and felt the competitive juices flowing) by this challenge. So here I am, embarking on my journey toward semi-retirement. Actually, I can’t envision myself semi-retiring, so perhaps we can rename that to shifting to an “Attainable Lifestyle.” …and this is the experiment, use the online world to generate this attainable lifestyle!
What does this experiment consist of?

At its most basic level, making money – while providing value for that – but doing it in a way that is not overwhelmingly time consuming. As I mentioned, I’m not doing anything cutting edge. I’m going to focus on blogging; which has been around since the 1990’s, but I’m going to do it with an eye on generating a sustainable cash flow from it. Some call this a “side-hustle,” while others refer to it as affiliate or passive online income. I sort of like the idea of the side-hustle. It’s not your full time concept but if it works out, it provides you with extra income or in my case, the challenge to generate “semi-retirement” income (not sure what that amounts to now, but will update this at a future point). So, how can you benefit from this? Actually, if you are here, then the odds are strong you are looking to do something similar. I’m starting with a basic plan and building out from here. I’ll be sharing my journey with you and a lot of insight along the way. Hopefully that will provide the knowledge that you can benefit from and… perhaps motivate some of you to build your own journey to your attainable lifestyle! I welcome it! I have two parameters for this journey. First, I will not look to make any money from something that I would not personally use or purchase and second, I will try to share as much value as possible while being transparent with you.
My philosophy for this experiment
Three words – Launch, Scale and Monetize. (Well, that’s actually 4 but we’re friends now, so let’s agree that it’s only 3 ). Basically it comes down to this. I need to launch an online presence (this site) then build up my traffic and that will need to position the ability to monetize. I’ll look to the online data to guide the paths we take (and I expect to be learning a lot along the way). Expect to see the majority of the content on this site relating to these three key words.
Generate web traffic
Build out your SEO
Refine based on your analytics
Relationship build with your audience
Enable revenue opportunities
Deliver sustainable value!
My Secret to Business Success
About Me
I’ve worked all over the world helping businesses of all sizes from the small business to multi-national billion dollar behemoths generate well over $100,000,000 in top line revenue growth
I’ve never been the type of person to try something half-way. When I’ve set my mind to do something, I focus on it to the best of my abilities. As this experiment plays out, it’ll be interesting to see what comes from it.
Let me share a list of things I’ve focused on in my career and how they turned out.
- Began my career in accounting – worked in the “old” big 6 accounting firms – passed the CPA exam and proceeded to move into the world of private equity
- During that time, also created an “online side-business” (which would be called a side-hustle today). I started thiswith a partner way back before the web existed. Using only online bulletin boards and newspaper ads, grew it from an initial $70 (yes, seventy dollars) to over 6 figures in 4 years
- Pursued my MBA – Received it in one year – Named a Matherly Scholar (highest honor) and won the MBA business plan competition
- Wanted to work globally – lead multiple projects, teams and functions across 28 countries on 5 continents. Reduced the time to close the books for a billion dollar company from 43 days all the way down to 5!
- Very interested in new technology and business growth – worked in mergers and acquisitions on deals between $2 million to $300 million.
- In 2008, fascinated by the potential of social media, wanted to be in the middle of it. Ultimately wrote one of the very first books ever on LinkedIn (I believe it was the 3rd) – it became an Amazon Best Seller. On page 104, I predicted (in 2008) that Microsoft could buy LinkedIn. They did… in 2016!
- Built an online strategic growth firm – focused on driving online growth through converting raw online data into actionable strategic insight
- Wanted to teach digital marketing – In my part time became an adjunct university professor at a Top 15 ranked Executive Education program teaching their entire digital marketing program (I also created that entire digital marketing program too)
What has driven my success? Here’s my secret, I use data to guide my strategic planning.
The “buzzword” today is to say, “I have a ‘super power’.” I’m certainly no Peter Parker or Clark Kent. I’ve achieved what I have by simply building strategy around data-driven insights. I am very good at that process. It’s fun to me. I enjoy taking complex situations and making them easy to follow. Thus as we complete this journey, I will be looking to the data to guide me so I can share the user-friendly version of the good (and bad) across this journey.
I’m excited to share my story with you and perhaps help you on your journey toward your attainable lifestyle!
Are you ready to continue this journey together?